CBD – One size does not fit all!

The CBD industry is quickly becoming the most Alternatively Healthy TREAD in our country since Jack LaLanne and Juicing… Economically.the CBD Industry is soaring daily. The benefits have been reported off the charts and life-changing for so many, it’s wonderful to see & know. The testimonials are amazing, from extreme inflammation reduction to pain relief, lower blood pressure, relief of Opiate and pharmaceutical addiction, even reports of people coming off Thyroid Medication and other harsh medications with side-effects that could and sometimes do, kill us. CBD – Cannabinoidoils are now available in all 50 states because it’s a non-narcotic, so it’s legal.  So far it does not seem to show up in drug testing with its .03%THC…However, HempingtonPost is doing more research on this question, ‘Can straight CBD with 0.03 pass a drug test? DO we need to be worried about this?

Every BODY is different – not one size fits all

As I’m experiencing different CBD/Hemp Oil Product lines I can clearly say, our bodies seem to have all the same functional parts yet they appear to be very different in how they function. Not one size fits all and that’s true with most things in life! What may be great for me, may not be so great for You.

I say, commit to nothing until you’ve tried it out for at least 30 days or less if you don’t like how it makes you feel. I have gone from lethargic to anxious with various brands of CBD – I’m a tester, I settle for nothing. My body deserves only the best and I believe yours does too – It’s not easy finding the best CBD and we are worth the time invested in our self.

I have tried many CBD lines as I mentioned AND I love Randy’s Remedy. The taste, and for sure the feeling I get when I take the drops. Immediately I’m feeling clear, calm & creative, my three favorite ways to feel and my sleep is solid as a rock… and this is where my body feels optimal!

I encourage you if you are looking for a NON-MLM CBD that makes you feel clear & fabulous… with 03% THC, Randy’s is great and if you want to share it – they do have an affiliate program!

check out their story and try their product line – Best CBD on the Market for me – Best pricing ever, because they are not BIG Business – Check out their story at Randys CLub!

Randy’s Remedy – CBD Features & Benefits

Soon an Interview with Linda Struse, Pharmacologist, and Professor of Nutrition.

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