I am one of those crazy people that loves to receive items in the mail. I love UPS and FedEx. When I see that brown or white truck, I get so excited. It means they might be delivering something awesome to my home.
The other day I was thrilled to find a package in my mailbox. I was pleasantly surprised to open the package and find a box of CannaBees Hemp Honey Rescue Blend. The package was a bright yellow and white and so inviting. It was like Spring Flowers!!! I saw the word “Relieve” and couldn’t wait to try it out.
I am a cancer survivor who also suffers from Fibromyalgia. I often suffer from the pain in my hands. This day was no different. Of course, I have found healing from exploring a variety of Hemp Products that have really assisted me in managing this pesky disease. I was anxious to try this honey and explore how this product would work. Each package of honey is packaged in a “to go” package. Great for traveling or even taking to work when you’re on the run. The package is user friendly for sure. You simply fold the package and it opens up. The honey is at your disposal. Squeeze and go right out of the package. My first reaction was how sweet and delicious the honey was. It was hard to believe it was a Hemp Product. Within 30 minutes the pain in my hands was gone. I was thrilled.
I have been using my honey for the past week now. I’ve not only noticed a difference in the inflammation in my body but more importantly the pain in my hands. I am feeling great. I have also noticed that when I take the honey in the early evening I become so relaxed. The stress of the day is gone.
If you haven’t tried Canna Bees Honey, I would highly recommend giving this honey a try. It’s not only delicious, it works!!! Tonight I think I’ll squeeze some honey in my tea and see how that works. I’ll certainly keep you posted. In the meantime check out Canna Bees Rescue Blend. You will be “relieved” when you do.
How much more delightful and powerful could organic CBD and organic Honey be if they were mixed together’, thought the founders of BeeDeightful CANNABEES, ‘they could create even more beneficial and impacting results for thoses who taste their nectars’. This makes total sense so we reached out to BeeDelightful to try some of their delicious CBD Honey for our Hemp Product Review. Here’s a quick fyi, HempingtonPost will not even do a product review if we feel the product is not something perfect and worthy for our followers, who trust us to bring trusted brand hemp information.