Game Changers are visionary leaders perceive challenges and growth opportunities before they happen, positioning people to produce extraordinary results that make real contributions to life. Richard Rose is a true game changer who knows how to share his knowledge with the world and create impact that is priceless!  ‘All of a sudden, my 40,000 followers want to grow hemp’ is a superhero story in our book! Thank you to HempToday for your continued excellent journalism and sharing as well!  Darlene Mea, CEO HempingtonPost 

INTERVIEWAmerican hemp legend Richard Rose recently released a treasure trove of reports, scientific papers and other documents about hemp online at The Richard Rose Report. Richard, who’s living in Italy these days, tells HempToday why he believes in the open source information model and talks about his mania: work.

HempToday: Why the release of these resources now?

Richard Rose: The passing of the (U.S.) 2018 Farm Bill catalyzed an explosion in interest in hemp, especially farming and CBD processing. Since I’ve made about 1,000 original educational posts on mostly CBD and Hemp since 2014, I have about 40,000 followers on social media. And seemingly every last one suddenly wants to grow hemp, but few understand what’s actually involved. So to help them, I decided to do The Richard Rose Report to offer my thoughts on emerging issues, and free documents to explain them.

HT: Why not just stay on Facebook to do it?

RR: Because the day Trump signed the Farm Bill, Facebook shut down my advertising account; thus the handwriting was on the wall. Hemp has never had as many problems as it does today, post-“legalization.” I do not believe that is an accident: the more fear in the space, the more people will hire lawyers, lobbyists, and associations to hold their hand.

HT: Why are you giving this information away instead of selling it?


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