With Hemp Fiber being the strongest and most versatile fiber on the planet, it has the power to change our Industrial and Environmental reality. Why we are not moving directly into this industry as a part of our GO GREEN and flourish plan is bewildering. HEMP is the carbon capture technology plan, what are they waiting for?
Why are we not focused on growing hemp around the world and producing a MEGA HEMP FIBER Industry?
When it comes to hemp, hemp fiber is the new emerging industrial solution for the sustainability of our future. Beit industry, economics, environmental stabilization or wellness, Hemp provides the most natural and economic and environmental solutions for the planet. Knowing this, the question is, why are we not growing hemp fiber every where?
After all hemp is a weed, a long stocky weed that grows 8 to 12ft tall in 12 to 14 weeks, in most climates. While growing hemp it pulls CO2 from the atmosphere while emitting oxygen at the same time. Hemp is the one of the strongest fibers on the planet. Hemp fiber can become paper, plastic, clothing, shoes, housing, supercapacitors, horse bedding, biofuel and a myriad of other products. With just a few of these hemp industries we can begin to regain the eco balance of our planet and as importantly, provide a new plan with a naturally flourishing plant ~ economics, trade, and most importantly solutions?
Darlene Mea
Hemp provides a plan of sustainability, economics and environment.
Hemp is the game changer for our world
Why are we ‘not’ planting our farms with hemp fiber in the US? Why are we ‘not’ repurposing warehouses across the US for this epic Hemp industrial revolutionary solution? Why are we not looking to hemp instead of cutting down forest trees which we need for the oxygen they provide. Why are we still producing most products from petrochemical when they are toxic to everything but financial gain. Why should we continue to use up our earth resources when we can grow hemp fiber for paper, plastics, grafite, oil remediation, clothing, construction, and even bridges that take us to a land of sustainability for all!
Below is the latest information regarding the largest landowners in the United States. Perhaps they’re not aware of this looming multi-trillion dollar hemp industry emerging slowly into our world. It seems to be, I’m proposing, there’s a monopoly of farm landowners and the petrochemical industrial complex? What does that mean, we’ll see!
According to the Land Report, which bills itself as the “Magazine of the American Landowner,” Gates has amassed 242,000 in farmland acreage. Gates and his wife Melinda own a total of 268,984 acres of land, most of which includes the farmland, along with 25,750 acres of transitional land and 1,234 acres of recreational land.
Part of that land is in Arkansas. The Gates family owns 47,927 acres in Arkansas, according to the Land Report. This acreage accounts for 17.8 percent of the family’s total land holdings. The report did not specify if the Arkansas land was all farmland.
Arkansas had the second-most land owned by the Gates family, after Louisiana. In the Bayou State, the Gates family reportedly own 69,071 acres of land, making up approximately 25.68 percent of the family’s overall land holdings.
The Land Report article provides an in-depth look at how editors tracked down Gates’ farmland acquisitions.
We’re showing this so you can ponder with us… what’s this all about? Why so much land? Wouldn’t it be incredible if they fueled the hemp industry and began farming hemp? What if other big players decided to repurpose America for hemp product manufacturing?
As the CEO of HempingtonPost I can see a future entirely possible and at the same time I know life, on many levels is a big monopoly game. So maybe it’s the big player’s that do get in this industry and make most of the money, as they do? Yet still, we would have new industry, greater economics for all, and a way forward to a natural sustainable future. The important part is timing – Now is the time!
While there’s been a big push toward going green — why are big companies still focusing on trees for their products?
Why not Hemp? Do you think businesses don’t know about Hemp’s benefits, or don’t know how to step away from the petrochemical industrial complex? Are they really in the dark, or are they simply choosing to avoid Hemp’s multi-billion dollar future, no matter what the cost to our environment? Climate change and the resultant economic fallout is happening now, and we need to move back to the hemp as a resource.
Here’s one good reason: Crops of hemp fiber can be grown in 12 to 14 weeks.
Jack Herer said it perfectly: “Why use up a forest which was centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?”
Why is it, as we move into 2021, that Hemp is not a major solution for many of the answers we seek? I cannot be the only one who stands in complete awe about why Hemp is not a primary economic movement in our country and throughout the world. Actually, we do know why, and I wonder what “We the People” of this planet are going to do about it. How will we turn things around?
How is it that big companies are doing everything they can to go green but aren’t moving toward Hemp? How is it possible that these major companies don’t know about the power of Hemp? How can we go forward in this country with absolutely no plan for this wonder plant being included as part of our economy and the environment? Why do major companies such as Coca-Cola make a move from plastic bottles to paper bottles — made from wood — when they could have used Hemp plastic instead? What am I missing here?
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists estimate that eight million metric tons of plastic — the approximate weight of 90 aircraft carriers — find their way into our oceans every year. The Paper Bottle Company (Paboco) wants to help manufacturers and distributors reduce their single-use plastic waste by creating bottles made from degradable plant sugars rather than fossil fuels.
BillerudKorsnäs, a paper packaging developer, first started this initiative in 2013 and has been joined by research companies and industry leaders like Avantium and ALPLA. The project proudly announced in October 2019 that Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, and Absolut had joined their efforts.
The historic brewery, Carlsberg, has been a long-time partner of the Paper Bottle Project and explained in a press release, “We are working on developing the world’s first ‘paper’ beer bottle made from sustainably-sourced wood fibers that is both 100% bio-based and fully recyclable.” Shortly after, the brewing company unveiled its first paper bottle for their Pilsner beer as proof of concept on their social media sites. These paper bottles, made out of a plant-based polymer called “PEF,” are expected to be fully recyclable and naturally degrade within a year, unlike their plastic counterparts. The sustainability company which creates these bottles hopes to have them ready for consumer use by 2023.
Paboco Technical Director Christina Carlsen says, “Being part of this journey from the beginning, inventing the technology and building the first machine for the paper bottle with my bare hands is my chance to make a difference. A difference towards a sustainable world for future generations. What we are doing is not just a new bottle; we are making a difference.”
This push towards eliminating single-use plastics comes off of last year’s momentum to reduce plastic straw use in many countries and corporations around the globe. Similarly, entire countries are trying their hardest to positively contribute to sustainability initiatives like China’s plan to ban plastic bags in all of its major cities by the end of 2020. Through these projects, we can see that the global community is taking responsibility for the growing environmental waste problem and uses innovation and human ingenuity to help ensure we have a clean, healthy Earth for many centuries to come.
Companies like Coca-Cola, Carlsberg, and Absolut support The Paper Bottle Company’s efforts to create sustainable, recyclable bottles.
While I applaud the efforts of these companies, who are making paper bottles to help mitigate the severe plastic pollution problem we face, I need to ask: Is this really their best solution? My big (and ongoing) question is: Why not hemp?
How do we reach these big corporations and educate them on the powers of Hemp? How do we bring Hemp Fiber awareness to industrialist that could use it to turn our failing industries around? Decorticators exist! Farmers and farmland are plentiful and Hemp fiber has zero THC. It can be made into hundreds of products we use daily — from plastic, paper, biofuel, building material, clothing, super-capacitors — and the list goes on. Does this not sound insane? No-one is talking about industrial hemp for our sustainable future.
I may be preaching to the choir here, or just maybe I’m just all alone, but someone, please, let me know how we turn this situation around. Hemp is standing by to save the world, and it needs your help.
We need to bring Hemp awareness to our world in every way we can. Remember – Hemp is not CBD, it’s our economic, industrial and environmental saving grace.
What can you do to help? Who do you know that can make a difference? Who can we highlight here at HempingtonPost.com to ensure that Hemp becomes the game changer we’ve all been waiting for?
I’m super excited to share this delicious ‘green deal’ information with you so you too can enjoy the amazing *entourage benefits when juicing and cooking with cannabis’. To make this possible growing our own plant food medicine is totally appropriate and even necessary – Yes there’s a small investment AND we are soul worth it. Fresh leaves every day. Who can ask for more independence than this? Learning to self care through plant medicine.
Juicing and cooking with Cannabis is super easy, delicious, enlightening, fulfilling and I’m positive it’s beyond healthy. I know I have a lot of plenty of descriptives here, it’s because it’s true – and right now, Truth prevails. Cannabis nourishes our endocannabinoid system, and a few green leaves a day, with our favorite produce, can change everything. We use to think the impact came for the flower, but nooo – it’s been the whole plant, the entire time –
For those living where cannabis is legal, I highly encourage you to learn to grow your own plants, it’s not rocket science. For a relatively small investment – 4 plants (that’s the limit per household in Portland Ore) could be ‘icing on your cake’ to your reality! Plants vary according to state – in Portland clones start at $50. Google it for your area – Be sure and buy organic, if possible and only use organic plant food and fertilizers –
Not to be repetitive and I’m sure many of you must know this by now, Hemp and MMJ are Cannabis cousins. Together they bring our world a myriad of amazing life sustaining products, from medicine, recreation and superfoods to hemp shoes, hats, cloths, to hempcrete, supercapacitors, paper, plastic, biofuel, bio-remediation and the list goes on.
There are many levels of wonder now being explored and developed from this single cannabis plant. It’s absolutely off the charts amazing – Even more amazing is how the bureaucratic / corporate system that runs our world is dragging their feet to make this all purpose Cannabis plant legal for all people and all industries.
With all the lies that continue to be fed to us, it’s time people take life back into our own hands and stop asking permission to do what is humanly right for our life and well being. Let’s all focus on the full LEGALIZATION OF CANNABIS in the 2020 election – it’s the only green deal we need to stimulate our wellness, economics and environmental landscape!
I’m not going to get carried away in what isn’t working when we can clearly focus on what is.
For the Entourage effect Juicing and cooking with full spectrum, whole plant, organic Cannabis,
10 to 20 fresh, rinsed, Organic Cannabis or Hemp Apples – Carrots – Celery – Ginger – Cucumber –
I use an masticating juicer – ask me which one and I’ll share
Amazing delicious and super healthy – every day
The phrase entourage effect was introduced in 1999.[7][8] While originally identified as a novel method of endocannabinoid regulation by which multiple endogenous chemical species display a cooperative effect in eliciting a cellular response, the term has evolved to describe the polypharmacy effects of combined cannabis phytochemicals or whole plant extracts.[9] The phrase now commonly refers to the compounds present in cannabis supposedly working in concert to create “the sum of all the parts that leads to the magic or power of cannabis”.[4] Other cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids may be part of an entourage effect.[8] The entourage effect. More on this HERE
I do believe the CBD industry was introduced because so much insane lies and propaganda has been put on the marijuana plant our entire life… The learning curb would have taken even longer than it’s currently taking to become widely accepted as a medicine because of cannabis without the ‘scary’ THC. Basically Hemp grown as CBD is a genetically modified seed made from marijuana. However it’s the THC that relaxes our receptors to accept all the other cannabinoids Cannabis has to offer – So why not whole plant juicing as the best way to bring our inner system back to wholeness and wellness. And I’ve also found there are no psychoactive effects. Juicing gives a feeling of feeding our body with complete nutrients…You may even hear yourself saying, ahhhh yaaa, sooo delish and I feel soul good.
Cannabis is one of the few all purpose plant families on the planet. One has to deeply wonder why this plant became a schedule 1 drug and hidden from the public since the early 1900’s. BTW most of this research has been done one this subject and you can find it within the portal here, in HempingtonPost.com.
Hope you take this seriously – it’s time we take our lives and our bodys back into our own hands…
The most incredible aspect surrounding Cannabis as a choice for restoration back to wellness is, the side effects; feeling ‘chill’ and slumbering deep. We’re not talking about smoking cannabis, which is okay, however, it clearly effects other receptors in our head, expanding beyond our ‘normal realm’ which is why many people love it and others hate it – expanding ‘beyond the norm’ can be a little uneasy at first, however when we begin to use it like a tool for expansion, our creativity can go to much higher levels.
Ingesting Full spectrum Cannabis is food for our endocannabinoid system. Consistency is important – consider Cannabis like vitamins, take daily! Grown your own plants – make juices and herbal foods…In joy the magic that comes with natural plant medicines!
Cannabis can be found in various forms, and the health benefits of cannabis is ever growing, here Tara Leo of CaliExtractions gives us an insight regarding the diverse benefits of the plant.
Cannabis contains CBD which is a chemical that impacts the brain, making it function better without giving it a high along with THC which has pain relieving properties. Both substances can be extracted and enhanced for use through short path distillation. Users can get the following health benefits of cannabis:
Relief of chronic pain
There are hundreds of chemical compounds in cannabis, many of which are cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been linked to providing relief of chronic pain due to their chemical makeup. Which is why cannabis’ by-product such as medical cannabis is commonly used for chronic pain relief.
Improves lung capacity
Unlike smoking cigarettes, when smoking cannabis in the form of cannabis your lungs aren’t harmed. In fact, a study found that cannabis actually helps increase the capacity of the lungs rather than cause any harm to it.
Help lose weight
If you look around, you will notice that the avid cannabis user is usually not overweight. That is because cannabis is linked to aiding your body in regulating insulin while managing caloric intake efficiently.
Regulate and prevent diabetes
With its impact on insulin, it only makes sense that cannabis can help regulate and prevent diabetes. Research conducted by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) has linked cannabis to stabilise blood sugars, lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation.
Fight cancer
One of the biggest medical benefits of cannabis is its link to fighting cancer. There is a good amount of evidence that shows cannabinoids can help fight cancer or at least certain types of it.
Helps treat depression
Depression is fairly widespread without most people even knowing they have it. The endocannabinoid compounds in cannabis can help in stabilising moods which can ease depression.
Shows promise in autism treatment
Cannabis is known to calm users down and control their mood. It can help children with autism that experience frequent violent mood swings control it.
Regulate seizures
Research conducted on CBD has shown that it can help control seizures. There are ongoing studies to determine the effect cannabis has on individuals with epilepsy.
Mend bones
Cannabidiol has been linked to helping heal broken bones, quickening the process. According to Bone Research Laboratory in Tel Aviv, it also helps strengthen the bone in the process of healing. This makes it tougher for the bone to break in the future.
Helps with ADHD/ADD
Individuals with ADHD and ADD have trouble focusing on tasks at hand. They tend to have problems with cognitive performance and concentration. Cannabis has shown promise in promoting focus and helping individuals with ADHD/ADD. It is also considered a safer alternative to Adderall and Ritalin.
Treatment for glaucoma
Glaucoma leads to additional pressure on the eyeball which is painful for individuals with the disorder. Cannabis can help reduce the pressure applied on the eyeball providing some temporary relief to individuals with glaucoma.
Alleviate anxiety
While Cannabis is commonly known to cause anxiety, there is a way around that. Taken in monitored dosage and in the proper way, cannabis can help alleviate anxiety and calm users down.
Slow development of Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is one of many that is caused by cognitive degeneration. As we age, cognitive degeneration is almost unavoidable. Cannabis’s endocannabinoid contains anti-inflammatories that fight the brain inflammation that leads to Alzheimer’s disease.
Deal with pain linked to arthritis
Cannabis is now commonly found as creams and balms which are used by individuals that have arthritis. Both THC and CBD help sufferers deal with the pain.
Helps with PTSD symptoms
PTSD doesn’t just affect veterans but any individual that goes through a trauma. As cannabis is legalised the impact it has on helping treat individuals with PTSD is being studied. Cannabis helps control the fight or flight response, preventing it from going into overdrive.
Helps provide relief to individuals with multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis can be painful, and cannabis is known to provide relief for it. Multiple sclerosis leads to painful muscle contractions and cannabis can help reduce that pain.
Reduces side effects linked to hepatitis C and increase the effectiveness of treatment
The treatment for hepatitis C has numerous side effects that include nausea, fatigue, depression, and muscle aches. These can last for months for some hepatitis C sufferers. Cannabis can help reduce the side effects caused by the treatment while making it more effective at the same time.
Treats inflammatory bowel diseases
Individuals with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis can find some relief with the use of cannabis. THC and cannabidiol are known to help enhance immune response while also interact with cells that play a vital role in the functioning of the gut. Cannabis helps block off bacteria and other compounds that cause inflammation in the intestines.
Helps with tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease
For those that have Parkinson’s disease cannabis can help reduce tremors and pain while also helping promote sleep. It has also shown to improve motor skills in patients.
Helps with alcoholism
Another one of the many health benefits of cannabis is that there is no doubt cannabis is much safer than alcohol. While it may not be 100% risk-free, it can be a smarter way to curb alcoholism by substituting it with cannabis.
Originol Post – Tara Leo Content Marketing Manager CaliExtractions
Please feel free to reach out to me direct with any questions – Happy to share my years and lifetimes of researach!
Feels like we’re living on the edge of the edge these days. With all the craziness continuing to seemingly escalate in most parts of our world, shifting life like never before, stress levels are escalating to high levels. It seems we have no sense of what’s real, solid or even simi ‘normal’ anymore, all lines have been crossed and our world has been turned inside out, and upside down, to say the least..
Even my stress levels are being challenged and I run and meditate everyday. However, I noticed still, over this Covid Virus time, while we’ve had to stay indoors everyday, our immune systems became more compromised from the lack of sunshine and freedoms from our outdoorand life connections. What’s compromised and overwhelmed most of us even more is the constant bombardment of so much mis-information, fear and hate…As if CV wasn’t enough to cripple our country. And then came part 2 of this insanity ‘The intentional death of George Floyd, a human, murdered intentionally in our face. How can we take anymore inhumane treatment from those who are ruling our lives… No More Human Abuse, No More Lies, No more Insane control…,Now we stand and fight collectively for our human rights..
With Game on – we want to be ready! We know if we want to step our game up, we need to be and stay healthy. Now, I am not one who turns to meds when or if I have the flu, or anything that might seem not normal with my body. I’m a precautionary person when it comes to my health. I’m just saying I’ve been a healthy hemp girl for many moons now and in today’s world, health is wealth! So, I now turn to grandma’s life restoring remedies that seem to work every time, Organic Chicken for the Soul, with Herbal Sufi’s!.
ORGANIC Chicken stuffed with Herbs & Cannabis – YUMMMM for the SOUL!
The Recipe
HerbalSufi Cannabis & Organic Chicken recipe is sure to melt your taste buds and soothe your soul. Anyone can do this with a crock pot, organic chicken, a few veggies, herbs and some fresh cannabis leaves… And if you like, a side of brown rice makes this meal twice as delicious…First the savory taste of succulent baked chicken and herbs mixed with a few of your favorite veggies, served with rice and a green leafy salad with cannabis leaves as well, refreshingly delish. Day two, this becomes Herbal Chicken & Rice soup – best soup ever! The Cannabis leaves give this blend a rich savory flavor of the wild with the nutrients of the plant which is good for us and our wellbeing.
Cannabis is essential to our endocrine system, which balances our immune system – We each have cannabinoid receptors throughout our body’s organs and immune system. When fed cannabinoids our body begins to restore itself back to homeostasis of balance, naturally!
Not sure if you’ve been keeping current on how essential cannabinoids are for our endocrine systems which regulates our immune system, but our Government actually deemed it Essential in many states over this CV time. (it seems there are still a few brain cells still firing in that Gov. system)…anyway. Cannabis is Essential by Chris Kilham, a Notable in the Plant Wellness industry, explains why!
Personally we have deemed Cannabis / Hemp essential in our homes. Knowing ‘whole plant cannabis’ is full spectrum, containing whole plant nutrients, including CBD, THC, CBN and all the other terpenes, consuming the entire cannabis plant is where restoration begins.
Herbal Sufi Organic Chicken for the Soul
You’ll need a Crockpot and a few other things you probably have in your fridge or garden! If not there’s always Trader Joe’s or a Farmers Market near by.
1 Whole Fresh Organic Chicken
Veggie Options
Garlic – minced or whole (pealed)
And whatever else you may desire, everything cooks easy in the crockpot!
Cannabis leaves – between 10 and 15 leaves or a few tops
Use the fresh leaves or Herbal tops intuitively!
Basil – 10 leaves
Rosmery – handful
Thyme – to taste – I use a few fresh
Ginger – a small piece – but not to small – use your intuition about a ½ piece
Lemon – squeeze 1 whole lemon onto the chicken before you cover it
Creation Instructions:
15 to 20 minutes to prepare
4 to 5 hours in the Crock’er on high
I recommend you do this in the AM – at least by 11is – it’ll be good to go by 5 – it could be a little sooner and the purpose of the crock is, how slow can we go! haha
In the Beginning
Wash your organic chicken well in cold water
You’ll want organic because you’re worth the non-chemical feeding of our body, soul, experience.
Dripdry the checkin out over the sink while rubbing some good hymilain salt over its full body, including inside.
Chop and mix all herbs – add 1 teaspoon of sesame seed oil to this, blend and put into the cavity of the chicken – it’s not going to fill it – it’s going to add a world of flavoring.
Cut veggies to bite size
Stuff Chicken with herbs
Put in CropPot
Fill bottom along the sides of the chicken with ⅛ cup of water, just covering the bottom – The chicken and veggies will create all their own juices
Add Veggies around the sides of the chicken in the crockpot –
Add your one special MMJ or HEMP LEAF to the middle, take a picture and share it with the world, or at least us. HempingtonPost proudly supports all things Cannabis.
*We found out how many plants we can grow per household and planted our four. Already we are juicing and cooking with the leaves every day, highly recommended. With this in mind – may your days be filled with good will as the world turns trying to figure out how we can move forward collectively…? I say, FREE the Plant and Educate the Humans to take care of their Soul and Soul connections first. Together We Grow!
Contact me directly for personally with your questions and more cannabis recipes…
Next Juicing with Cannabis – it’s amazingly delicious and off the charts healthy –