Jack Herer Documentary: The Emperor of Hemp Wears No Clothes
Know the history of Hemp in order to understand your future. To understand why Cannabis was taken from the American people, it’s important to know the truth about Cannabis history.
Know the history of Hemp in order to understand your future. To understand why Cannabis was taken from the American people, it’s important to know the truth about Cannabis history.
“The ‘war on drugs’ has escalated the public health problem posed by currently banned substances to a public safety crisis,” the policy proposal, which came as part of AMLO’s National Development Plan for 2019-2024, read. Mexico’s current “prohibitionist strategy is unsustainable,” it argued.
The document says that ending prohibition is “the only real possibility” to address the problem. “This should be pursued in a negotiated manner, both in the bilateral relationship with the United States and in the multilateral sphere, within the [United Nations] U.N.,” it explained.
“The war on drugs has been extremely costly, not just in terms of government resources, but also human lives, and it has failed to accomplish its objective,” he explained. “Prohibition policies have, by and large, caused more harm to people and communities than the drugs they were intended to eliminate, and they haven’t come anywhere close to eliminating the supply or the demand.”
The rest of the story! NEWSWEEK Article
Interestingly, the Cannabis plant uses cannabinoids to promote its own health and prevent disease.
In humans, free radicals cause aging, cancer, and impaired healing, which can lead to a variety of pathologies, from neurodegenerative to immune disorders. Antioxidants found in plants have long been promoted as natural supplements to prevent free radical harm.
In order to understand whether whole plant or single compound may be better for you, please read here
Spread consciousness and smile more!
read more – https://naturegoingsmart.com/understanding-endocannabinoid-system/
The evolution of HEMP’ing the World. Hawaii is leading the way by creating Hemp Farming and Industry!
For eight years, the Hawaii Farmers Union United Convention has been a key knowledge bank for farmers from Australia to Singapore, Kenya to Britain. Now, hemp and cannabis are working into the model. Doug Fine was there in the mountains farm country of Maui, Hawaii, and brings us this report about the role hemp and cannabis play in that vital playbook for humanity’s future.
This news story with Doug Fine and CannabisNewsNetwork shows the world today, what’s possible with the world of Hemp now, sustaining tomorrow!
Doug Fine is reporting for from Hawaii about the role hemp and cannabis play in that vital playbook for humanity’s future.
Senator Mike Gabbard, Hawaii Agriculture Chair
Further reading: https://www.cannabisnewsnetwork.com/h…
On October 21, “Before the Flood” was released to help spread awareness of the ‘dangers of climate change’ and was spearheaded by Leonardo DiCaprio who is the United Nation’s “Messenger of Peace” in relation to Climate Change.
The documentary follows the actor around the world illustrating how climate change is already showing symptoms on coastal cities and how certain industries are responsible for the accelerated pace of the destruction of our environment.
While you might believe in climate change or not, is besides the point. One thing that everyone can agree on is that our model of consumption and our habits of disposal requires a gigantic makeover because in laymen’s terms; “We’re fucking up the environment”.
If we reach the pinnacle of our environmental-fuckery, there will be severe consequences for all of us, regardless of race, religion, and geographical location.
While the documentary did outline a few things we could do to prevent an environmental death scenario,it failed (in my opinion) to address some of the most viable ways we could combat the erosion of our ecosystem.
Depending on who you talk to, there are many people to “blame” for the current state of our environment. However, one of the clear culprits of this change falls heavily on the “Oil industry” who have been responsible for countless spills and emission of carbon around the world for nearly a century.
Secondly, the average consumer also takes up a portion of the “blame” what with driving their cars, consuming plastic products and discarding their waste without consideration on where it ends up.
However, one of the major causing factors of environmental damages that was NOT mentioned in the documentary is war. War and maintaining the war machine has long been a plague on our earth. The United States, with the biggest military force on the planet is largely ignored by climate activists despite the fact that the US military is one of the biggest polluters in the world.
At the outset of the Iraq war in March 2003, the Army estimated it would need more than 40 million gallons of gasoline for three weeks of combat, exceeding the total quantity used by all Allied forces in the four years of World War 1.
Not to mention that nearly half of the entire US budget goes to…you guessed it…WAR! And what are we fighting for? While the US government would like to convince the people that they are fighting for “peace, security and freedom”, following the money reveals another truth.
The US is largely fighting in the Middle East for Oil, Heroin and expanding their strategic military holdings on the world. The War on Terror is merely a smokescreen to maintain the illusion of military actions in the Middle East. And all of these actions cause an unmeasurable negative effect on our environment.
Other contributing factors to the decline of the environment include, mass production of livestock, the burning of forests for “palm oil” and of course the use of outdated energy methods.
So while I’m painting a dismal picture here, is there anything we can do about it?
I have said for a long time now that “Hemp is the Medical Cannabis for Earth”. It alarms me that climate activists aren’t jumping on the Hemp Train as a viable solution for cutting down our carbon emissions, stopping deforestation and creating environmentally sound industry that could reverse the damage we have already done.
Here’s a snippet of what hemp can achieve if we simply allowed it be utilized to its full potential. This is from HempBenefits.org:
Hemp is so Much Better for the Environment:
It replaces trees as the source of raw material for wood and paper, thereby conserving forests. Trees take years to grow, while a crop of hemp can be grown in a few months. Only one acre of hemp can produce as much paper annually as 4 acres of trees.
When burning hemp as a fuel, carbon dioxide is released into the air, but this is absorbed by the next crop, which can be harvested 120 days after planting. This quick growth avoids the build-up of carbon dioxide. Also, hemp is a very leafy plant and thus contributes a high level of oxygen to the atmosphere during its growth; between 20 and 40%. This makes up for the loss of oxygen when it is burnt as a fuel, which in turn, reduces unwanted effects of global warming, acid rain and the depletion in the ozone layer on the environment.
Air pollution is reduced since hemp is naturally resistant to pests and does not need pesticides and herbicides to be sprayed. Very little fertilizers are required, since it’s abundant leaves fall into the soil and release the required nutrients and minerals, thereby creating better soil tilth. Cotton and flax are known to consume 50% of all pesticides; hemp replaces cotton as a raw material in the manufacturing of paper and cloth, and flax fiber or seed for animal feed, animal bedding and paper.
Soil enrichment: The hemp crop grows dense and vigorously. Sunlight cannot penetrate the plants to reach the ground, and this means the crop is normally free of weeds. Its deep roots use ground water and reduce its salinity. Also, erosion of topsoil is limited, thereby reducing water pollution. The roots give nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil. After the harvest, this soil makes excellent compost amendments for other plants, and hemp cultivation can follow the rotation of agriculture with wheat or soybean. In fact, the same soil can be used to grow hemp for many years, without losing its high quality. The hemp plant absorbs toxic metals emitted by nuclear plants into the soil, such as copper, cadmium, lead and mercury.
Fabrics made of hemp do not have any chemical residue, and is therefore safer for consumers. Even if the fabric contains only 50% hemp, it can keep the UV rays of the sun from harming the skin underneath.
If you’re truly serious about climate change and environmental protection, you should be a staunch advocate of hemp. Along with moving towards renewable energy sources and reducing the war machine, we do stand a chance to reduce the emission of carbon into the environment and could reverse a lot of the damage we have already done.
In fact, Tesla predicts that we only need 100 Gigawatt factories (solar factories) to supply energy to the entire world. Therefore, instead of building that Pipeline in North Dakota, we could simply create solar farms and completely step out of the Oil game forever.
The point is, we have solutions…but waiting for the government to EVER do anything significant about it is like waiting for Gary Coleman to grow to six feet in length…it ain’t gonna happen.
Take charge, make change…stop waiting and force the hand of the government. It’s time we realize that to fix these problems will come down to us. So start advocating Hemp and push for reforms and STOP buying from brands that proliferate the current system of destruction.
In otherwords; #HempTheWorld
This story originally appeared on Cannabis.net
Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white United States government film made during World War II and released in 1942, explaining the uses of hemp, encouraging farmers to grow as much as possible. During World War II, the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was lifted briefly to allow for hemp fiber production to create ropes for the U.S. Navy but after the war hemp reverted to its de facto illegal status.
The film was made to encourage farmers to grow hemp for the war effort because other industrial fibers, often imported from overseas, were in short supply. The film shows a history of hemp and hemp products, how hemp is grown, and how hemp is processed into rope, cloth, cordage and other products.
Before 1989, the film was relatively unknown. The United States government denied ever having made such a film. The United States Department of Agriculture library and the Library of Congress told all interested parties that no such movie was made by the USDA or any branch of the U.S. government.
In 2008 efforts were made to make a sequel of the movie by UK-based production houses as a series of short films. It was developed as a three film series of 60 minutes each.