From the Editor; Darlene Mea; We approve this message!

Found this great article. We’ll it’s actually an advertorial, yet still, the message of Why CBD is Not Good for You and Why FULL Spectrum Cannabis is powerful. We are not sharing to sell anything, the information is just true!

Here’s the story

Hey, I’m Tommy Chong,

If there’s one thing people know about me, it’s that I love pot, right?

My wife jokes that I’m a walking drug test.

If anyone under 30 recognizes me on the street, she assumes they like pot too.

But almost 20 years ago, I quit, cold turkey. (More on that in a second)

And my health completely fell apart.

All my life people had been telling me that pot was going to kill me… but QUITTING turned my health upside down.

My joints began to ache like they never had..

I was constantly tired and sore…

I was getting up several times a night to pee…

Never getting a decent night’s sleep.

My energy evaporated like water on a hot pan.

I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.

It was like, all of a sudden, I was starting to “feel my age catch up with me”, when I never had before.

Then, I was diagnosed with
Prostate Cancer…

I was devastated.

The hardest part was having to tell my family.

I laid awake at night, worried I’d never see my youngest
daughter grow up.

But now I see that my diagnosis actually saved my life…

I’ll tell you right up top that my solution for these issues involved using CBD, but definitely not in any way you’ve heard of or tried before…

Maybe you’ve tried using CBD to experience some of these same benefits… only to discover that it didn’t work…

Or you’re thinking about trying it, but you’re worried that everything you’re hearing is “just hype”…

If you haven’t tried CBD yet, I’m glad
you’re reading this first…

And if you have tried it and it didn’t work, then I’ve got good news for you.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

The truth is that 99% of the CBD products available today just don’t work as advertised…

And there’s a simple reason why.

The problem is, with all the hype around CBD, you’ve probably never heard what I’m about to show you…

And it could cost you EVERYTHING.

My life changed overnight.

I could physically feel my body slowing down and it scared me…

By that point, I was almost 70, and I thought, “This is just what it feels like to get old I guess”

I resigned myself to my fate and tried to stay as active and as healthy as I could…

But I just didn’t feel right.

A few years later, at a routine physical, I got the news that would eventually save my life…

The good news about my cancer is that it was slow growing and in early stages… which meant I had time..

That aint a luxury many people get…

So, I started doing all the reading and research I could about different treatments and side effects…

I’m not sure if I buy that, but this cannabis oil sounded like it could help, and I figured I had nothing to lose.

Luckily, in California, marijuana was now legal to buy and use for medical reasons

And cancer pretty much gets you to the top of that list.

So, in addition to my regular cancer treatments, I went to my doctor and got a prescription for medical cannabis and I STOCKED UP.

I bought plenty of marijuana and used a bunch of it to make the special oil from Rick Simpson’s recipe…

I’ll be honest with you.. It tasted like garbage.

Imagine juicing a lawnmower bag full of grass clippings and taking a shot of it…

That would have been a little better than the stuff I made…

In addition to the oil, I also started smoking a little again to help with the side effects of my other treatments.

Not only were my cancer treatments working…

The most amazing thing happened!

I started feeling better ALL OVER.

How many cancer patients tell you they feel better AFTER starting treatment?

It was like I shed 20 years in 30 days…

It was amazing.

My mood was so much better all the time, I felt like I was living on Cloud Nine…

My energy surged to all new heights…

In addition to my cancer treatments, I was writing a book and a screenplay and doing media appearances and planning an all new tour…

Read the rest of this amazing story here!

This is why we at HempingtonPost are not promoting the industry of CBD. Even though we know the Cannabis plant can be made into many aliment treatments and cures, the entourage effect on our entire system is what we gain with full spectrum cannabis, it is medicine. Hemp is fiber!

Darlene MeaProducer, with Passion…
A visionary leader perceives challenges and growth opportunities before they happen, positioning people to produce extraordinary results that make real contributions to life.

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