A comprehensive list of all things going on in the world of hemp, including latest developments in the news and how hemp can improve all of our lives.
Hemp Is Like Medical Marijuana For The Earth
Can Hemp Save Mother Earth Before Leo’s Flood? On October 21, “Before the Flood” was released to help spread awareness of the ‘dangers of climate change’ and was spearheaded by Leonardo DiCaprio who is […]
Hemp For Victory (1942)
Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white United States government film made during World War II and released in 1942, explaining the uses of hemp, encouraging farmers to grow as much as possible. During World War II, the Marihuana Tax […]
Company Focus: Hemp Inc.
As a global leader in the industrial hemp industry with bi-coastal processing centers, Hemp Inc. has the largest multipurpose industrial hemp processing facility in the western hemisphere (in Spring Hope, North […]
CO2 Levels Expected to Rise Rapidly in 2019, Met Office Scientists Warn
Why we’re heading for a ‘climate catastrophe’ and what are we doing? We are re-posting this article (MSN INDEPENDENT) We in the Cannabis World feel Growing Cannabis Globally is one […]
8 Reasons Why Hemp Can Save The Planet
Hemp Can Help Our Planet And Economy The effects of climate change are being felt the world over. Strong hurricanes, famine, war, extreme heat waves, drought, and torrential rains are just […]
2019 could be a big year for marijuana reform in Congress
‘The Marijuana News Reform in Congress could be the answer to so many challenges we’re all facing in this country and around the world. Once Cannabis is completely legal to grow, […]
CropLogic Advances on Oregon Plans as US Legalises Hemp
In December last year, US President Donald Trump raised some eyebrows when he signed the 2018 Farm Bill — a bill including the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, which sees hemp officially […]
Oregon hemp farmers celebrate US legalization
Oregon Hemp farmers are looking forward to shipping and selling product in other states For some farmers in Oregon, the nationwide legalization of hemp is great news because it means exporting product to a wider market. The Boring Hemp Company is one local business...
Senators Urge FDA to Secure Pathway For CBD in Supplements, Foods
In a letter to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley said farmers in Oregon and the rest of the nation stand to make solid economic […]
A History of Hemp As Medicine Since Ancient China
Hemp has been helping people heal for millennia. Like with many plants, we can’t be sure when people first began experimenting with hemp for medicinal purposes. That said, Carl Sagan believed hemp […]